Study Options In Poland
- First Cycle: 3-4 year undergraduate studies leading to the professional title of a licencjat or inżynier (Engineer). It prepares students for future employment or continued education within a Master’s degree program. Students must earn 180-240 ECTS credits.
- Second Cycle: 1.5-2 year Master’s degree program following the First Cycle studies leading to the professional title of Master (magister). It focuses on theoretical knowledge, application, and development of creative skills. Master’s degree holders may enter a doctoral program. Students must earn 90-120 ECTS credits.
- Long-Cycle Studies: Master’s degree program (4.5 to 6 years) leading to the professional title of Master (magister) in 11 fields of study including dentistry, law, medicine, and veterinary medicine. Students must earn 270-360 ECTS credits. Such single long-cycle studies are based on an integrated study program containing both basic studies and in-depth specialisation. Completion of this degree will provide a qualification corresponding to a second-cycle Master’s degree.
- Third Cycle: 3-4 year doctoral degree program accessible for graduates of a Master’s degree program, leading to a PhD degree. It is offered by universities as well as some research institutions. Candidates must submit and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation before a thesis committee and pass a doctoral examination to obtain the degree.